Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego
Kultura i sztuka

Vol. 13 - The Homelessness of Art

Artworld versus Arthome

Homelessness as the determiner of the artistic work of the Jewish diaspora in Central and Eastern Europe before 1939

Homelessness of art work / Homelessness of Memory: Moshe Kupferman’s “The Rift in Time”

Identity in dialogue or homeless despair? Critical sensitivity in Polish art at the turn of the 21st century

Nomadic images. Transmediality and hybridity in contemporary media art

On the twilight of artworks in the world of art

The aesthetics of hospitality: the deconstructions of the athome

The art of great masters on a mountain pass

The construction of subjectivity in Theodor W. Adorno’s aesthetic theory: criticality, reflection, mimesis

The place of art. Where? In a supermarket


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