Wybory w Republice Słowackiej – alternatywne sposoby głosowania
Dodatkowe informacje
- Rodzaj publikacji: Artykuł w czasopiśmie
- Tytuł czasopisma: Studia Wyborcze
- Numer tomu/zeszytu: 8
- Wydawnictwo: Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
- Rok wydania: 2009
- ISSN: 1898-0082
- Nr katalogowy: 1355
- Title: Elections in Slovak Republic. The alternative methods of voting
The elections have extraordinary meaning in the life of a state and society. While in the overwhelming majority of states participation of voters on the vote turnout is declining. Therefore,
no analysis of the causes of abstention accidentally voters to vote and search for ways to increase voter turnout in the vote are the subject of analysis as experts, as well as political representation.
The authors analyze in their contribution voting by postal shipments in the elections to the National Council of the Slovak Republic. This method of voting, except the personal voting directly in the polling station, was introduced into the electoral system of the Slovak Republic by the Law. No. 333/2004 on elections to the National Council of the Slovak Republic, which cover on electoral Law. No 80/1990 Coll..
Electoral law allows voting by postal shipments to Slovak Republic citizens who reside outside the territory of Slovakia. The second group of voters are citizens of the Slovak Republic with permanent residence in the Slovak Republic, who at the time of elections are located outside the territory of Slovakia. In 2006 for the first time have from this method of voting benefited only slightly more than 3,427 voters.
Following the characteristics of this method of voting the authors also consider the possibility to use this method of voting in the election of the President of the Republic, as well as in elections to bodies of territorial self-government. The authors have not omitted the issue of electronic voting. - Link do Księgarni ŁTN: Księgarnia
- Link do portali zakupowych: epnp
Tom 8 Studia Wyborcze