Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego

Foreign direct investment; the case of Lodz region

Dodatkowe informacje

  • Autor/redaktor: Janusz Świerkocki (red.)
  • Rodzaj publikacji: Książka
  • Wydawnictwo: Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
  • Rok wydania: 2011
  • ISBN: 978-83-60655-52-8
  • Nr katalogowy: 1455
  • Streszczenie:


    Introduction − Janusz Świerkocki

    Economic effects of FDI inflow into the region − Agnieszka Kłysik Uryszek

    Types of foreign direct investment; Motives and determinants of FDI inflow to the region; Impact of FDI upon regional economy


    Activity of foreign investors in the voivodeship of Lodz − Agnieszka Kłysik-Uryszek

    Structure of FDI enterprises; Employment and salaries; Revenue structure; Investment operations; Foreign trade


    Evaluation of foreign investors activities in the voivodeship of Lodz − Agnieszka Dorożyńska, Tomasz Dorożyński, Wojciech Urbaniak

    General characteristics of companies ; Foreign capital in companies; The share of the voivodeship of Lodz in sales of companies ; Share of exports in sales; Motives of location of FDI companies in Poland; Motives of FDI companies location in the voivodeship of Lodz, Impact of business environment institutions on the decision about FDI location in the voivodeship of Lodz; Evaluation of local administration aimed at attracting FDI; Determinants of continuation of operations by FDI companies in the region of Lodz; Preferences of foreign investors with respect to human resources; Competitiveness of products/services of FDI companies; Effects of FDI inflow to the region of Lodz; Foreign investors expectations vis-a-vis public administration; Factors encouraging to stay in the region; Factors increasing investment attraction of the region of Lodz


    The role of local government units in supporting foreign investors in the voivodeship of Lodz − Tomasz Dorożyński, Wojciech Urbaniak

    The structure of local government in Poland; Activities and tasks of local government; The role of local government in regional and local economy; State aid; Characteristics of the region of Lodz; The inflow of FDI to the communes and counties in the period 2006-2010; Attracting FDI according to documents identifying directions of development of communes and counties; Activities of communes and counties aimed at attracting FDI; Self-assessment of local government units in the area of attracting foreign investors; Preferences of communes and counties in FDI FDI impact upon the economy of communes and counties; Difficulties in FDI inflow in the opinion of representatives of communes and counties


    The role of business environment institutions in supporting foreign investors in the Lodz voivodeship − Tomasz Dorożyński, Wojciech Urbaniak

    Business Environment Institutions; The importance of business environment institutions for the development of the regions; Business environment institutions in the Lodz region Conclusions from the direct study


     Prospects of the region of Lodz until 2015 in the light of the results of a simulation model − Mariusz Plich

    Theoretical and empirical aspects of economic modelling of the region − sectoral approach; Classification of regional models; Regional input-output models; Model of the economy of the region of Lodz; Forecast scenario of the economic development of Poland; Scenarios of FDI inflow and impact in Poland; Results for scenario analyses of FDI inflow


    Summary and policy implications for Lodz voivodeship − Janusz Świerkocki

    Industrial policy as a basis for FDI benefits


    Annex. Location of FDI companies in Lodz voivodeship by counties in 2008 – Agnieszka Kłysik- Uryszek


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